
Online Application Form (Exchange students)

Sections marked with an asterisk(*) are required.

Personal Information

*Must match passport exactly

(1) This photo will be used for your TTU student ID card as well (2) Student staying in Taiwan over 180 days should provide photo with plain white background and head facing the camera for ARC application.

(Letter of admission will be sent to this address.)
(if different from above)

Education Background

Please provide the following information of your home university

Exchange Details

from (month/year)to(month/year)

Emergency Contact Person 

 which resulted in probation, community service, a jail sentence, or the revocation or suspension of your driver’s license?

驗證碼圖片 驗證碼語音播放器

Please Note: Completing the online application does not mean the application process is done.

Please make sure that you have submitted all the required supporting documents.

